The top book clubs in Newfoundland a must to visit

The top book clubs in Newfoundland a must to visit

The top book clubs in Newfoundland a must to visit

If you are looking for a place to read your favorite books in Newfoundland, you won’t be disappointed. There are a good many public libraries and bookstores around for you to take your pick from. Almost all of them have their own book clubs. There are also independent book clubs established by lovers of reading.

Almost every distinguished publishing house advertises clubs one can join to enjoy quality books they publish. These are such publishing houses as Boulder Publications, Breakwater Books, Creative Book Publishing, Flanker Press and many others.

You can always join their communities created on social media and learn about new releases and share impressions from reading there.

The most distinguished book clubs in Newfoundland are The Book Bags, and We Don’t Bake Muffins Book Club. The last one gains much popularity recently.

We Don’t Bake Muffins Book Club

The book club with this unique name was created back in 2007. It had only four members then. It is proud to be developing and invites new members to its meetings and interesting discussions of the books they have read. Usually, the choose books that can be bought at a low price or got for free. But they are open to discussing almost anything as long as it arises public interest and covers some important issues.

We Don't Bake Muffins Book Club

Nowadays, We Don’t Bake Muffins Book Club members meet on a monthly basis, and there are usually from 12 to 15 people at such meetings. They organize such meetings always at home of some club member. They enjoy a glass of good wine and delicious meals during the meetings, which make them extremely pleasant.

We Don’t Bake Muffins Book Club, boasts of a great diversity among its members. Some of them know each other for years; some meet first at the recent meetings and become good friends. They have different views, outlooks and perception of the world, but the more diverse, the more interesting the debate is.

Many club members state that they are very happy to join because otherwise, they would never read what they have read on the advice of other members and greatly enjoyed. But what is even more important, they would have never met the people they have met here.

The Book Bags Book Club

The Book Bags is another popular book club in Newfoundland. Just like other book clubs, it organizes frequent meetings for its members, where they can enjoy spending quality time together, leading interesting discussions and even debates, sharing ideas and impressions. The book club members also advise on something new and worth reading.

So, as we see, becoming a member of some book club is a very advantageous thing for any book lover. It gives a lot of possibilities to develop your reader’s skills and get more information than just printed in words. Want to enjoy reading to the fullest? Join a nearby book club!